Try Parse

what difference between following 2 code snippets,

int32.try parse fails 1st sample, decimal.try parse succeeds both samples giving output of -50. bit confused why value of 50- (i.e. minus sign -) after 50 okay decimal not int32? extracting value excel sheet , doing conversion. 

  string value = "50-";  decimal v = 0;  decimal.tryparse(value, out v);    vs    string value = "-50";  decimal v = 0;  decimal.tryparse(value, out v);  

regards, vinay

hi vinay,

        string value = "50-";       decimal v;       numberstyles styles = numberstyles.allowdecimalpoint |          numberstyles.allowtrailingwhite |          numberstyles.allowleadingsign |          numberstyles.allowthousands;        decimal.tryparse(value, styles , cultureinfo.currentculture, out v);  
kind regards,

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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