In what kind of situation people use delegate

i know when pass function function argument use delegate.

when define event use delegate know other situation exist when people use delegate. please discuss many situation sample code.

i want know few real usage of delegate can not move without delegate.


i tell students 4 (4) main ways use delegates are:

  • single-cast delegate points single method
  • multi-cast delegate helps form invocation list chaining delegates together
  • asynchronous programming using begininvoke()/endinvoke() methods following asynchronous programming model (apm)
  • they form basis of events

in c#, every event based on delegate.

the popular delegate in use eventhandler delegate. it's included .net. responsible event handlers pattern of:

private void <ctrl>_<event>(object sender, eventargs e) { }

remember - delegates 1 of 5 types of types can define in c#. list includes:
class, struct, interface, enum, , delegate.

good luck!

best wishes, davin mickelson

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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