Accessing BizTalk 2010 party info in C#

in c#, need access biztalk 2010 party agreement info. (we won't discuss terrific api documentation).

i have success obtaining partner object using partner.getpartyidforpartyname() method.  but when attempt access agreement (and other partner) properties, throws sqlexception "could not find stored procedure 'edi_partneragreementselect'.

inspecting sprocs in biztalkmgmtdb shows number of dbo.edi_* sprocs not 1 listed in exception.

have missed magic incantation during install?  is there source of biztalk api documentation has content or example?

may wind @ not own.



sqlconnection connection = new sqlconnection("integrated security=sspi;persist security info=false;initial catalog=" + database + ";data source=" + server);

bindingparameters parameters = new bindingparameters(new version());
parameters.bindingitems = bindingparameters.bindingitemtypes.parties;
parameters.includeglobalparty = true;
bindinginfo partybindings =, parameters);



bindinginfo has partycollection class have info need.  bad news need manipulate xml, news work , not hard.  party class editdata member xmldocument has stuff.  write party info out , have @ (using unit test method or something) xpath through set values need. 


i have more code if need it, going free (codeplex) products, not, i'm happy shed light on api code.

kind regards,


BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server General


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