Related Products Urgent......

i have problem regarding related products.

by getrelatedproducts method 9 collumns coming  properties.

like displayname, cy_list_price, cy_list_class, description........

but want image_filename property of related product. image of product.

i using code getting related products.


protected override void onload(eventargs e)

catalogcontext context = commercecontext.current.catalogsystem;
string strproductname = httpcontext.current.request["productid"];
product = context.getproduct("amazingcatalog", strproductname);
dataset rldproducts = product.relatedproducts;
datatable relatedproducts = rldproducts.tables[0];
        if (!ispostback)


private void relatedproduct(datatable relatedproducts)
        string strdynamictable;
        int rows = relatedproducts.rows.count;
        if (rows != 0)
            strdynamictable = "<strong><h3>related product</h3></strong><br/>";
            strdynamictable += "<table border='2'>";

            (int = 0; < rows; i++)
                strdynamictable += "<tr>";
                strdynamictable += "<td> ";
                strdynamictable += "<a href='";
                strdynamictable += "products.aspx?catalog=amazingcatalog&amp;productid=";

                strdynamictable += relatedproducts.rowsidea["productid"].tostring();
                strdynamictable += "'class='mainlevel' >";
                //strdynamictable += "'>";
                strdynamictable += relatedproducts.rowsidea["displayname"].tostring();
                strdynamictable += "</a>";
                strdynamictable += "</td>";
                strdynamictable += "</tr>";
            strdynamictable += "</table>";

but code not getting product image....
so pls me out..........




the relatedproducts propety returns catalogrelationshipsdataset.

see following link descriptions of columns in datataset.


if want more product level information, need load product instance targetcatalogname and targetproductid fields of catalogrelationshipdataset. object, can access products fields need.


hope helps






Commerce Server  >  Commerce Server 2007


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