How can I create a one time cron schedule that would execute only once in C#?

have used cron schedule in c# create application should trigger job once. code piece throwing exception, unhandled exception of type 'quartz.schedulerexception' occurred in quartz.dll

below code:

class program  {      static void main(string[] args)      {          test();      }        public static void test()      {          ischedulerfactory schedulerfactory = new stdschedulerfactory();          ischeduler scheduler = schedulerfactory.getscheduler();            ijobdetail jobdetail = jobbuilder.create<satellitepaymentgenerationjob>()              .withidentity("testjob")              .build();          console.writeline(datebuilder.dateof(16, 30, 00, 24, 2, 2015));          //itrigger trigger = triggerbuilder.create()          //    .forjob(jobdetail)          //    .withcronschedule("0 0 12 20 4 ? *")          //    .withidentity("testtrigger")          //    .startnow()          //    .build();          itrigger trigger = triggerbuilder.create()                               .withdescription("once")                               .withsimpleschedule(x => x.repeatforever().withrepeatcount(1))                               .startat(datebuilder.dateof(12, 43, 00, 26, 2, 2015))                               .build();            scheduler.schedulejob(jobdetail, trigger);          scheduler.start();      }  }    internal class satellitepaymentgenerationjob : ijob  {      public void execute(ijobexecutioncontext context)      {          console.writeline("test");      }  }
i believe way have done scheduling execute once causing issue. please advice.


hi mayooran99,

from additional information: repeat interval cannot zero. screenshot as below.

you should specify repeat interval in seconds. 

please try following code

itrigger triggers = triggerbuilder.create()                                .withdescription("once")                                .withsimpleschedule(x => x                                .withintervalinseconds(20)                                .repeatforever())                                .startat(datebuilder.dateof(12, 43, 00, 26, 2, 2015))                                .build();

have nice day!


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Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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