Custom Expiration policy C# assistance


i wandering if help, attempting create following policy.

i have named policy filteredexpiration.cs

when go build it, comes following error:

error 1 'expirationtest.filteredexpiration' not implement interface member ', system.xml.xmlnode)' c:\users\alex.nagy\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\expirationtest\expirationtest\filteredexpiration.cs 11 18 expirationtest

using system.web;  using microsoft.sharepoint;  using;  using;  using;  using microsoft.sharepoint.utilities;  using system;    namespace expirationtest  {      public class filteredexpiration : iexpirationformula      {          public datetime? computeexpitedate(splistitem item, system.xml.xmlnode parametersdata)          {                //check if item in warning period              //if is, send warning email stating              //that document expire in month                datetime expirydate = new datetime();              if (item["_dlc_expiredate"] != null)              {                    //get item's expiry date.                  expirydate = (datetime)item["_dlc_expiredate"];                    //find remaining time expiry                  timespan diff = expirydate.subtract(;                    //if less month, send warning email                  if (diff.minutes <= 2)                      sendwarningemail(item);                }                if (item["collectme"].tostring().equals("true"))                  return;              else                  return ((datetime)item["modified"]).adddays(365);            }            private void sendwarningemail(splistitem item)          {              try              {                  spsite thissite = new spsite("http://sharepoint:14236");                  spweb thisweb = thissite.rootweb;                  string tofield = "";                  string subject = "test message";                  string body = "document - " + + " - expire in month.";                  httpcontext oldcontext = httpcontext.current;                  httpcontext.current = null;                  bool success = sputility.sendemail(thisweb, true, true, tofield, subject, body);                  httpcontext.current = oldcontext;                }              catch (exception ex)              {                  //handle exception              }            }      }  }  

anyone have ideas?

probably method signature of computeexpitedate not valid class.

you can 1 thing: right click on interface name use refactor > implement interface

if  get new method, place method code inside it.

try building it.

resolving n evolving in c# (

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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