SWIFT Accelerator : ParseError


hi all,


i use swift dissasembler in microsoft.solutions.financialservices.swift.pipelinecomponents.swiftdasm assembly of biztalk swift accelerator 3.0. i'm on bts2006 r2 ent. , install messagepack 2007.

but tricky parse error on swift messages :


<swift_error messagetype="">

<parseerror exceptiontype="" linenumber="1" lineposition="0" multipleemptylines="false" schemaname="http://schemas.microsoft.com/biztalk/solutions/financialservices/swift/swiftheader#swiftheader">

<message>unable decipher body schema name swift header data.</< font>message>

</< font>parseerror>

<parseerror exceptiontype="" linenumber="0" lineposition="0" multipleemptylines="false" schemaname="">

<message>stray data found @ end of message.</< font>message>

</< font>parseerror>

</< font>swift_error>



here swift message (mt548). (i get same error for mt543 also). 


code snippet

:35b:isin fr0010208488
gdf suez




any appreciated smile


nicolas b.

you should able open project with swift schema and right-click on in visual studio , click properties. let specify instance of file , here should specify on disk message have copied post can found. can right-click on schema , go validate instance see errors appear. way run tests on schema validation determine characters causing problems.




BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server Adapters and Adapter Pack


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