Maximum Primary Display Resolution


some background information:

i have mosaic display consisting of 3x5 1080p (9640x3260) monitors total of 31.7264 million pixels.  as mosaic, cumulative displays viewed single, primary display.  on display, unable initiate other chat session.  trying initiate voice call, video call, or content sharing result in users waiting request join, never receive request.  behavior reproducible on displays large using skype business 2015 or 2016.

have tested on display total of 24.576m pixels while keeping same aspect ratio , unable reproduce error state.  i tried testing on display 29.4912m pixels, again same aspect ratio, , in instance able reproduce error.  this leading me believe there may max window or buffer size hitting.

the questions looking answer are:

correlation between primary display resolution/configuration , skype business content sharing/calling functionality?

maximum supported resolution of primary display , there way of increasing maximum resolution?



Lync Server  ,  Unified Communications  >  Microsoft Lync Client Development


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