Connecting to database

{"login failed user 'domainname\\mycomputername$'."} {}
have modified connection properties use sql user name , password. recompiled 1000 times. why hell still uses computer name there when using integrated security?


when create connection string application, not include user name , password. instead, set connection string's integrated security attribute sspi.

the following example shows connection string includes appropriate attributes:

data source=myserver;initial catalog=northwind;integrated security=sspi  

to configure sql server integrated security

  1. from windows start menu, choose microsoft sql server, , choose enterprise manager.
  2. open node server , expand node database want give users permissions for.
  3. right-click users node , choose new database user.
  4. in database user properties dialog box, enter domain\username in login name box, , click ok.

have nice day!

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