Teach me anout MFC extension DLL's and regular DLL's!


i have studied wikipedia , msdn, still haven't grasped different dll setups. put down think have found out far. please correct me i',m wrong!

  1. a dll can of type mfc extension dll or regular dll.
  2. a dll of type mfc extension can call functions in regular dll
  3. a dll of type regular cannot call functions in mfc extension dll.
  4. a dll of type regular cannot call functions in mfc extension dll if dll export functions plain c-styre signatures , datatypes.
  5. a dll of type mfc extension may complemented .lib-file used statically linking. after statically linking dll, caller can use functions in dll if available during build time (all though possible exchange dll new, compatible, dll).
  6. a dll of type regular may complemented .a-file used statically linking. after statically linking dll, caller can use functions in dll if available during build time (all though possible exchange dll new, compatible, dll).
  7. a regular dll is compiled standard c interface , dll format elf
  8. a mfc extension dll is compiled mfc interface , dll format pe coff
  9. a regular dll may internaly use mfc extensions , include afx-library, still called regular if export functions regular dll (plain c-style , c datatypes)
  10. there no direct way tell if dll build regular dll och mfc extension dll. (or there?!?)


1. false dll dll.

2. true since there no difference.

3. false.

4. false

5. unknown depends on .lib file, have code in it, imports.

6. unknown depends on .lib file, have code in it, imports.

7. false, dll's pe coff

8. true, dll's pe coff

9. kinda true, because there no difference.

10. irrelevant there no difference.



.NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture


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