multi threaded application Performance difference in Windows XP Vs Windows 2008 R2



we have developed 1 multi threaded application windows xp , windows 2008 r2.

where have created 1 worker thread lunches 2 more worker threads. in windows xp takes less time in same code takes time in windows 2008 compare xp.

note:- windows xp code compiled in vc 6.0 windows 2008 r2 in vs2008.

can 1 tell me why such time difference in there performance? architecture changes there?





if implement application windows 2008 using managed code vs 2008 then. complation happend in 2 steps. first generate il , @ runtime il converted machine code.


when compile code using vc 6.0 (visual c++ 6.0 unmanaged code) complation output directly gives machine code. reason difference in performance.




Architecture  >  Architecture General


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