Retreiving message from MessageBox after occurance of event


the below situation: message type , message type b received biztalk. both transformed , sent downstream application. though both messages received idependently, message b should sent downstream if message has been sent downstream. in case message b received first, should store message persistent storage , wait msg a. once msg arrives , gets sent downstream, should retreieve msg b store , process it.

option 1 is have msg b orchestration dehydrate while waiting msg b. can cause supportability issues.

option 2 use sql to  store msg b , retreive once msg arrives. looking if possible retreive msg b message box or other out of box capability.

any other pattern or design suggestion highly appreciable.


depending on exact requirements solve out-of-the-box biztalk functionality, with option 1.

can elaborate on supportability issue? don't need dehydrate orchestration yourself, biztalk you.

if you're going option 2 you'll have maintainability issues because you're solution more complex necessary.

i guess you're looking parrallel convoy pattern (in fact rohit describes). in scenario message , message b wait each other , processing proceed if both have been received. mean message waits message b arrive, message can processed first.

jean-paul smit | didago consultancy
blog | twitter | linkedin
mcts biztalk 2006/2010 + certified soa architect

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