Help on a winform app using datagrid and barcode scanner

hi there,

i need build winform application scan/validate/save barcode datagrid database.

the major requirements are:

1. user can either scan or type in barcode into cell of datagrid

2. scanner not have prefix use alt+p suffix

3. after scanning, need custom logic check if barcode valid. if valid, jump focus next empty cell of current row. if not, stay on the current cell

4. if cell last cell of current row, add new row programmatically

please provide sample code or let me know if there open source project has similar functionalities.

many thanks!



lets past 2 easy parts 2 & 3.

2)  user use barcode scanner might use keyboard type in barcode in datagridview well.

this simple.  have make sure in 1 use asynchronous read data bar code reader.  the asynchronous method wil have event occur when data received bar code reader.  have public function in form class processbarcode(string barcode) bar code reader send data after read.

for keyboard, use keyboard enter event read data keyboard.  when barcode call same function processbarcode(string barcode) barcode reader uses.

3) barcode scanner not have prefix has alt+p suffix

the asynchronous read method in 2 reads data until finds alt+p in th einput buffer.  call function processbarcode(string barcode).


Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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