vb.net Interop Excel - Excel application will not quit
i'm trying excel process quit after doing manipulation, i've tried methods suggested , nothing seems work. here code:
dim xlapp excel.application dim wbs excel.workbooks dim wb excel.workbook dim wss excel.sheets dim ws excel.worksheet xlapp = new excel.application() xlapp.visible = false wbs = xlapp.workbooks wb = wbs.open(tmpfile) wss = wb.worksheets ws = wss(1) ws.pagesetup.orientation = microsoft.office.interop.excel.xlpageorientation.xllandscape ws.pagesetup.leftmargin = 10 ws.pagesetup.topmargin = 10 ws.pagesetup.rightmargin = 10 ws.pagesetup.bottommargin = 10 ws.pagesetup.zoom = false ws.pagesetup.fittopageswide = 1 ws.pagesetup.fittopagestall = 100 wb.save() system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.releasecomobject(ws) ws = nothing system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.releasecomobject(wss) wss = nothing wb.close() system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.releasecomobject(wb) wb = nothing system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.releasecomobject(wbs) wbs = nothing xlapp.quit() system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.releasecomobject(xlapp) xlapp = nothing
i've tried gc.collect() , gc.waitforpendingfinalizers() system hangs application still running. not want use process.kill because it's dangerous.
any appreciated.
if wanna free reference used in code, can refer link below:
- how automate microsoft excel visual basic find need in last few lines
- release excel object this kb in codeproject
if want kill process excel created, can refer thread in forum:
good luck , have nice day!
hope helpful you! if have further quetions, please feel free let me know.
please mark right answer @ right time.
bset regards,
.NET Framework > Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture
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