Unable to load DLL 'zigbee.dll':


i have problem sample program downloaded. program part of sdk can found here (win64 version):


under samples: visual c#. 

when run program, says cannot find .dll file contained in program. 

i have searched problem, of problems others have had in c++ , vary in solutions.

is there simple solution problem?

have isntalled listed under system requriements?

  ▶ os : windows xp/vista/7 (32/64bit)

  ▶ zig2serial required

  ▶  in case dll loading not available :  needs to install microsoft visual c++ 2005 re-distribution package

when says needs c++ redist package, needs c++ redist package regardless of language use.

let's talk mvvm: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-us/wpf/thread/b1a8bf14-4acd-4d77-9df8-bdb95b02dbe2 please mark post helpfull , answers respectively.

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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