"Connect" to Azure resources

based upon current understanding, 1 of core design ideas behind web services (eg. azure service management rest api) apis stateless. prevented need "connect" services before leveraging capabilities, because each call authenticated, , provided of necessary information, ensure web service call succeed.

with azure automation, seems concept being tossed aside, since "core" sample runbooks connect-azure or connect-azurevm. seems me sample runbooks should simple, useful operations start-azurevm or stop-azurevm, instead of "connect" commands, don't provide useful value in , of themselves.

can please provide direction on azure automation feature headed, , why it's necessary "connect" azure resources, before leveraging capabilities? when using azure powershell module directly, outside of workflow, sma, or azure automation, it's not necessary "connect" resources. can run start-azurevm, stop-azurevm, or large array of other commands, without "connecting" them, or azure subscription itself. doesn't make sense me, logically speaking, "connect" azure subscription, since stateless api, why concept being proliferated azure automation?

trevor sullivan
microsoft mvp: powershell

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hi trevor,

these utility runbooks, not sample runbooks. meant called other runbooks make tasks easier. utility runbooks on script center , tagged "utility," while samples tagged "tutorial". have runbooks on script center doing things against azure, example one calls both start-azurevm , stop-azurevm. don't have runbooks starting or stopping vm because single cmdlet work, not make sense write full runbook that.

the reason connect-azurevm needed because gives uri use connect azure vm on winrm. adds vm's certificate locally worker running runbook remoting vm allowed.

connect-azure needed because azure cmdlets not stateless. require calling either set-azuresubscription, import-publishsettingfile, or add-azureaccount set connection azure. while need once when using azure cmdlets in ise, have every runbook execution in azure automation because runbooks run across many workers, , in sandboxes cleaned after execution, file azure cmdlets use know how talk azure, written filesystem using set-azuresubscription, import-publishsettingfile, or add-azureaccount, can not assumed still there between runbook executions. connect-azure calls set-azuresubscription internally, passing in certificate asset contains azure management certificate. however, azure supports non-interactive orgid cred auth via add-azureaccount, connect-azure going deprecated add newest azure module azure automation. expect blog post on using azure automation talk azure using orgid credential based auth soon.

Microsoft Azure  >  Azure Automation


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