Conditional Schedule of report via Email (using Subscriptions )

i have report have schedule via email attach excel email , sent to receptive persons. can 1 please me in finding out way if generated excel report empty in case should not run schedule , should not throw email those?




hi deepak1983,

thanks question. based on description, understand if report has no data, want prevent attach excel email , sent receptive persons.

as know, there 2 basic type subscription, stand subscription , data-driven subscription. speaking, hard control delivery job skip time running in stand subscription type. in order achieve requirement, give 1 work around solution data-driven subscription.

commonly, if using data-driven subscription, can configure subscription’s parameters result executing data-driven’s t-sql query. of time query return rows subscription, modify query filters result based on whether or not report return rows.

for example, assume 1 of dataset’s fields somefield, t-sql query’s search somefield >10, can type data-driven query this,

select * from datadrivensubscriptioninfotable

where exists(select somefield from thedatasourcetable where somefield >10)

after provide query subscription, delivery job stop run if report null.

for more detail information creating, modifying, , deleting data-driven subscriptions, please see:

if have other question, please feel free let me know.

sharp wang

best regards. sharp wang

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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