UI Suppression ON for Skype for Business 2015 client failed

i need test lync sdk (2013) app skype ui suppression.

tried possible registry paths can googled
on win 8.1 pro 64 bit sfb 2015 client , skype ui not suppressed after restart.

correct registry path should be
uisuppressionmode dword key = 1 (btw, can see path , key name in lync.exe)

other requirements suppression? can local or global domain group policy affect ui suppression?

windows , office (with skype) activated.

lyncclient.getclient() can't start host process (gives exception "hos process not running").
when sfb launched manually, has normal ui , insuppressedmode = false , state = signedin

sfb window tells:
microsoft lync 2013 (15.0.4809.1000) mso (15.0.4823.1000) 64 bit
skype business 2015. ms office  professional plus 2013

skype basic, btw. have same result skype business 2016 on windows 10.

i wrong, correct registry path hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\office\15.0\lync

Lync Server  ,  Unified Communications  >  Microsoft Lync Client Development


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