V8 Ordnance Survey maps not working if zoom greater than 11


i've started looking @ updating web app v7 v8 , fell @ first hurdle. took sdk "load maps options" , changed maptype ordnancesurvey. no problem.

i changed zoom 10 12 (or greater) , fails.

the code using is: 

<!doctype html>  <html>      <head>          <title>loadmapwithoptionshtml</title>          <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>      </head>      <body>          <div id='printoutpanel'></div>                    <div id='mymap' style='width: 100vw; height: 100vh;'></div>          <script type='text/javascript'>              function loadmapscenario() {                  var map = new microsoft.maps.map(document.getelementbyid('mymap'), {                      credentials: 'your bing maps key',                      center: new microsoft.maps.location(51.50632, -0.12714),                      maptypeid: microsoft.maps.maptypeid.ordnancesurvey,                      zoom: 14                  });                                }          </script>          <script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.bing.com/api/maps/mapcontrol?branch=release&callback=loadmapscenario' async defer></script>      </body>  </html>

there known issue ordnance survey maps @ moment. if try loading map map type fail load. fix in experimental branch if isn't there. said can work around loading map road , after line of code load map, use setview change ordnance survey. know os maps aren't available @ zoom levels should same v7.

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Bing Maps  >  Bing Maps Web Controls


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