Closing the file opened via StgOpenStorage


how close file opened via stgopenstorage.


        #region stgopenstorage


        static extern int stgopenstorage([marshalas(unmanagedtype.lpwstr)]string pwcsname, istorage pstgpriority, stgm grfmode, intptr snbexclude, uint researved, out istorage ppstgopen);


istorage istorage1;

int result;

            // open structured storage file in readwrite , share_exclusive
            result = stgopenstorage("c:\\oleobject1.bin", null, stgm.readwrite | stgm.share_exclusive,, 0, out istorage1);

after processing above *.bin file, need delete it. while tried delete file("c:\\oleobject1.bin") using file.delete error thrown ("file used process").

hence how close file opened via stgopenstorage.

thanks in advance.

check members of istorage , try calling istorage1.commit. call marshal.finalreleasecomobject(istorage1).

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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