C# GetResponse with Timeout returning nulls in WinApp

i call following routine when loop thru sql database and try long\lat coordinates for 20-30 customer sites. works fine in debug mode when step thru main loop , stop between each call geocoderlocation routine. when let program run @ full speed, routine sporadically returns nulls.  though timeout fix that, not.

thank in advance , forward helping me upgrade routine more reliable , return results.

        public class geocoderlocation
            public double longitude { get; set; }
            public double latitude { get; set; }

            public override string tostring()
                return string.format("{0}, {1}", latitude, longitude);

        public static geocoderlocation locate(string query)
                webrequest request = webrequest
                      + httputility.urlencode(query));
                using (webresponse response = request.getresponse())
                    using (stream stream = response.getresponsestream())
                        request.timeout = 5000;
                        xdocument document = xdocument.load(new streamreader(stream));
                        xelement longitudeelement = document.descendants("lng").firstordefault();
                        xelement latitudeelement = document.descendants("lat").firstordefault();
                        if (longitudeelement != null && latitudeelement != null)
                            return new geocoderlocation
                                longitude = double.parse(longitudeelement.value, cultureinfo.invariantculture),
                                latitude = double.parse(latitudeelement.value, cultureinfo.invariantculture)
                messagebox.show("web response null " + query.tostring());
                return null;
            catch (webexception ex)
                messagebox.show(ex.message, "exception");
                return null;

it taking more 5 seconds.  make timeout larger

request.timeout = 5000;


Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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