VC++'s Cstring to C# string


i manoj,

i want pass cstring value vc++ function string value in c# function.

i have added class library project of c# vc++ project.

vc++ code:

cstring to_pass="hello";



c# code:

funcstring(string a)


//printing operation;


conversion not happening.

kindly me.

thank you.

vc++'s cstring , c#'s string have nothing in common, have convert manually 1 other. marshaling library of vc++ should make simple:

#include <msclr/marshal_atl.h>  void example() {     cstring to_pass = "hello";     funcstring(msclr::interop::marshal_as<system::string^>(to_pass)); }

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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