Add reference to authenticated web service from Biztalk server 2006 r2


i have .net webservice user name/password authentication.i using soap adapter access web service.i doing right click on project->add web reference-> entering user name , password add reference it.

the web reference getting added properly.i have created orchestration access web service , values back.
but when i deploy application , drop file, getting following error when trying access ws orch:
error description: webexception: request failed http status 401: unauthorized

i sure error coming after adding authentication web service, because when accessing same web service before adding authentication, working fine me.
do have specific pass credential web service biztalk .
please suggest.

you need set transport credentials on send port.
in biztalk admin console, open send port properties, click configure button next fransport type. on general screen specify authentication type, basic, , below set username , password. 

BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server General


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