Why i'm getting exception: Closed stream access exception while saving Bitmap ? Where does it come from ? What Bitmap ? Why i can't catch the exception ?
i have code in bottom label11 assign text:
private void getissuesnumber() { using (webclient client = new webclient()) { client.downloadfile("https://test/issues/26", @"c:\test\issues.html"); client.downloadfile("https://test/issues", @"c:\test\main.html"); } using (streamreader reader = new streamreader(@"c:\test\issues.html")) { try { string line = string.empty; while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) { if (line.contains("comments")) { if (line.any(char.isdigit)) { this.line = line; numberofcomments = int32.parse(this.line.substring(17, 2)); } } if (line.contains("opened this")) { opened = line; gettime(opened); } } } catch (exception err) { error = err.tostring(); } } label2.text = numberofcomments.tostring(); using (streamreader reader = new streamreader(@"c:\main\main.html")) { string line = string.empty; while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) { if (line == null || line != "") { if (line.contains("open")) { issuesopened = line; label10.text = issuesopened.tostring(); } if (line.contains("closed")) { try { issuesclosed = line; label11.text = issuesclosed.tostring(); } catch (exception err) { error = err.tostring(); } } } } } }
if don't assign label11 not using ok.
if don't use line:
label11.text = issuesclosed.tostring();
then when running program see label11
but if i'm using line assigning label11 see when running program is:
what bitmap ? don't use bitmap/s in code.
why can't catch exception using try , catch ? didn't stop on catch part used breakpoint.
i closed shut down whole visual studio , tried run on , still same exception on label11.
i dragged form1 designer 2 new labels: label10 , label11 10 there no problems 11 see exception.
in variable line when label11.text.....in variable line there is: 15 closed
there spaces before 15.
what variable issuesclosed? i don't see defined anywhere.
have looked inside c:\main\main.html? line "closed stream access exception..." embedded inside somewhere?
Visual Studio Languages , .NET Framework > Visual C#
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