Uri.EscapeDataString does not escape the * symbol ?

i trying escape special characters in incoming data string using apache lucene search on web server. there title called "immunology seminar series *" --- using uri.escapedatastring convert utf-8 format. however, when @ string after conversion, see "*" has not been converted %2a ?


btw, according specification, escapedatastring() right thing of not converting "*".

in forementioned rfc2396, "*" defined "unreserved" -> "mark" in section 2.3 not translated. in rfc3986, "*" defined "reserved" -> "sub-delims" in section 2.2 not translated.

if need have translated, can append .replace() output translate yourself.

don't know why seems version of runtime translate it, maybe it's 1 of bugs got fixed between updates current behaviour correct.

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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