How To Make Query for Contains() or %LIKE

from @pcfjojo via twitter

android azure sdk, how make query "contains()" or "%like"? can pull database. problem that, not able data exact field. on application have search box search type of products. when search box(edittext) text change, text of edit text , make pull request form mobile service. 

 void getannouncementbyquery(final string column, final int queryparam){         new asynctask<myclass, myclass, myclass>() {             @override             protected void onpreexecute() {                 super.onpreexecute();                              mylist.clear();             }              @override             protected myclass doinbackground(myclass... params) {                 try {                     mobileservicetable<myclass> mtodotable = myapplication.mclient.gettable(myclass.class);                     final mobileservicelist<myclass> result =                             mtodotable.where().field(column).eq(queryparam).execute().get();                     if(result.size() != 0){                          announcementslist.clear();                     }                     (myclass myclass: result) {                         publishprogress(myclass);                     }                  } catch (exception exception) {                  }                 return null;             }              @override             protected void onprogressupdate(myclass... values) {                 super.onprogressupdate(values[0]);                 mylist.add(values[0]);    myadapter.notifydatasetchanged();              }              @override             protected void onpostexecute(clsannouncement avoid) {                 super.onpostexecute(avoid);                 myadapter.notifydatasetchanged();              }         }.execute();     }

Microsoft Azure  >  Azure Mobile Apps


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