How can i use in my project with SevenZipSharp to compress all the files in the List<> ?

thats code of form1 :



  using system;  using system.collections.generic;  using system.componentmodel;  using;  using system.drawing;  using system.linq;  using system.text;  using;  using;  using;  using dannygeneral;  using system.xml.linq;  using system.xml;  using sevenzip;    namespace copyfileswithadminpermission  {      public partial class form1 : form      {          sevenzipcompressor compress;          string destination;          string file1;          public form1()          {              initializecomponent();              compress = new sevenzipcompressor();                  destination = @"c:\program files (x86)\vieh chroniken demo\kapedata\kapitel1\texts.xml";                  file1 = properties.resources.texts;//@"d:\book of unwritten tales critter chronicles translated english\texts.xml";                                 xmldocument doc = new xmldocument();                   doc.loadxml(properties.resources.texts);                   if (file.exists(destination))                   {                       file.delete(destination);             ;                   }                   else                   {             ;                   }                  //asyncfilecopier.asynfilecopy(doc, destination);          }            private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e)          {            }            private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)          {              label1.text = "searching demo installed directory please wait...";              directoryinfo dir = new directoryinfo(@"c:\");              list<string> flist = new list<string>();              listfiles(dir, flist);              label1.text = "search completed";              this.listbox1.datasource = flist;              label1.text = flist.count.tostring();              //compress.begincompressfiles(@"d:\", flist.tostring());          }              private void listfiles(directoryinfo dir, list<string> flist)          {              ienumerable<fileinfo> f = dir.enumeratefiles("*.jpg");                foreach (fileinfo fi in f)              {                  try                  {                      flist.add(fi.fullname);                  }                  catch                  {                    }              }                foreach (directoryinfo d in dir.enumeratedirectories())              {                  try                  {                      listfiles(d, flist);                  }                  catch                  {                    }              }          }      }  }    


inside button1_click event im getting list<> of files time *.jpg files

i want create compressed zip file of files in list not names of files files in zip file 1 big zip file.

so inside button1_click event added line: compress.begincompressfiles(@"d:\", flist.tostring()); 

but after adding files list listbox1 im getting error can debug or close program


i guess didnt use compress.begincompressfiles(@"d:\", flist.tostring());  in right format or/and in right place compress files in list 1 zip file.


thanks helping.


not related think better try , create local stack rather using stack call when traversing, can lot faster.

here example made, can change own needs.

  namespace recursionalternative { 	using system.collections.generic; 	using;  	public static class directoryhelper 	{ 		public static ienumerable<directoryinfo> getdirectories(string path) 		{ 			stack<directoryinfo> stack = new stack<directoryinfo>();  			stack.push(directory.createdirectory(path));  			while (stack.count > 0) 			{ 				directoryinfo currentdirectory = stack.pop();  				foreach (var directory in currentdirectory.enumeratedirectories()) 				{ 					bool isreparsepoint = (directory.attributes & fileattributes.reparsepoint) == fileattributes.reparsepoint;  					if (!isreparsepoint) 					{ 						stack.push(directory);  						yield return directory; 					} 				} 			} 		} 	} }  

eyal (, regards.

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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