Help refactoring with attention to SRP and OCP

i have collection class representing users in database, called users.  want add load function class data database.  load function later changed implement kind of asynchronous loading and/or ui update on it's progress know want separate class , utilize interface.  here's i'm thinking far:

public  interface  iload     function  load() as  integer  end  interface   public  enum  databasetype     mysql     mssql end  enum   public  class  loadfactory     private  _load as  iload  	public  sub  new (databasetype as  enum .databasetype, connectionstring as  string )         select  case  databasetype             case  databasetype.mysql                 _load = new  mysqlload(connectionstring)             case  databasetype.mssql                 _load = new  mssqlload(connectionstring)         end  select      end  sub       public  function  getinstance() as  iload         return  _load     end  function  end  class   public  class  users     'collection code here       'implement iload interface      private  _load as  iload      public  function  load() as  integer          'to do: load factory constructor values global variables          dim  loadfactory as  new  loadfactory(databasetype.mysql, "myconnectionstring" )         _load = loadfactory.getinstance         return _load.load()     end  function  end  class  

when need load data users collection use:

dim users new users

however, later on decide add more load functionality.  specifically, want execute this:

dim users new users
users.load("select * users office = 2")

way accomplish adding functionality load interface, so?
public  interface  iload<br/>     function  load() as  integer <br/>     function  load(byval  selectstatement as  string )<br/>     function  loadall() as  integer <br/> end  interface  
in above example have couple of classes implement iload , wouldn't hard locate , update, i'm wondering if there better way create interface , abstract classes functionality can later incorporated? feedback on code above , thought process appreciated.

in design users class instantiates new loadfactory. that’s not srp nor ocp.

the example below (c#) uses datamapper pattern. might want decouple dal implementations packaging them in separate assemblies , inject them using di framework (for example unity). allows add new databases without need recompile project.

ps: might want take @ object-relational mapping tools.


the userscollection class represents collection of users.
the mysqldal class retrieves data mysql database.
the mssqldal class retrieves data form sql server database.
the usermapper class moves data between database , user object.


the idal interface defines contract data access components implement.

idal {
  datatable getallusers();
  datatable getusers(string statement);
  datatable getbyid(int id);

usermapper {

  public usermapper(idal dal) {
    this.userdal = dal;

  userscollection getallusers() {
    userscollection result = new userscollection();
    datatable userstable = dal.getallusers();

    foreach(datarow[] userrow in userstable.rows) {     
      result.add(new user(userrow[0], .., .., ..));

mysqldal : idal {

mssqldal : idal {

Architecture  >  Architecture General


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