Creating an application for detecting USB devices ?

hello everyone,

i hoping can clear mu confusion. 

the main aim of building application in c# can used in software calling progid.

all need serial number of usb devices connected.

i tried following code :

static void main(string[] args)          {              resourcemanager rmgr = new resourcemanager();              object resources = null;              resources = rmgr.findrsrc("usb[0-9]*::?*");              string[] resource_list = (string[])resources;                foreach ( string msg in resource_list)              {                                    string[] array = msg.split(':',':','"').toarray();                                   console.writeline("serial number: " + array[6]);                  console.writeline(msg);              };  }

here serial numbers.

but getting confused is, when want use code application( calibration software has scripting capability) , how serial number there? 

do have store serial number in variable , use same variable name in script of software?

or write function returns serial number , call function?

does make sense?

please let me know. 



hi nmedelec,

i think simplest way save serial numbers plain text file(.txt or .xml), use script of software read file.

how to: reading , writing text files

reading , writing xml in c#

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Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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