C# listView to Copy Columns to Another listView

good day!!
first of in forum opportunity ask regarding c#
i have problem, hope can clear mind wanted
and im trying learn c# language now.
the situation this
i have 3 listview namely listview1, listview2, listview3
i have dynamic data on listview1 , listview2
listview1 has 3 columnheader,
listview2 has 2 columnheader
while listview3 has 5 columnheader
now, want first, second , third columnheader of listview1
will copied first , second , third columnheader of listview3
and first , second columnheader of listview2
will copied fourth , fifth columnheader of listview3
is possible???
can me this??
i have code copy data listview1 listview3 doesn't needed, copied listview1 listview3.
listview3.items.addrange((from listviewitem item in listview1.items     select (listviewitem)item.clone()              ).toarray());

can enlighten me how derive on needed....

i think want study class type collections , wpf binding.  it's not gui, it's data.  can use linq specify properties in collection , column headers are automatic.  want study linq.  moral of story focus on data , not gui.

jp cowboy coders unite!

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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