How to implement interface of C# use COM of native C++?

i'm using .net core in cross platform, include windows , linux.

i can't use atl.

i embed the. net core executable program.

i hope expose c++ class instance pointer .net core(c#), , convert interface of c#.


class foo : public idispatch, public imanagedobject, public iinspectable...{} fobj;

extern "c" __declspec(dllexport) foo* winapi gettestobject(){return new foo;}



static extern intptr gettestobject();

interface itest
   int func();


    var v = gettestobject();
    var obj = (itest)marshal.getobjectforiunknown(v);
    obj.func();// exception

    dynamic dobj = marshal.getobjectforiunknown(v);

    dobj.func();// ok, idispatch::invoke called


i hope implement interface test of c#.


interface itest{...}

is ok, c++::foo::invoke(idispatch) called.

.NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture


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