BizTalk Request Response Error Description: An internal server error was encountered while attempting to transmit the message


   im using wcf-wshttp send port request response messgae.

all working fine till today afternoon until experienced weird error "error description: internal server error encountered while attempting transmit message "

my send port gets suspended resumable.

im archiving request response message. able hit other service , response in folder.

but in soap ui 3.0 when trigger request im getting above error.

please me fix/find issue

also im catching soap fault message in orchestration


hi ,

it happens when server has issues hosts service.

the probable reason :

1.temporary unavailability of service sending request

2.the endpoint have added in soap ui changed .

you can try reloading end point again in soap ui.

i hope helps!!!!!! please mark helpful.

if answers question, please mark "answered". reduce visits same post answered , guys same question yours without posting .

maheshkumar s. tiwari|team lead/consultant(edi/eai)|ivision software pvt ltd, pune.

BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server Adapters and Adapter Pack


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