create a function that returns day difference between two dates (inclusive),
hi all
i wanna create function returns day difference between 2 dates (inclusive), without using any
function provided platform or external library. function must work dates in the
range of 1st january, 1901 through 31st december 2999, inclusive. example, there 5 days in
range bounded 15th march, 2004 , 19th march, 2004.
note-kindly consider leap year well.
" without using any function provided platform or external library"
you'll have decide means - not using framework or "functions provided platform" make difficult.
if can use framework, datetime , timespan structures first place look... provide necessary methods you'd use here.
if want avoid primitive types (not sure draw line), you'll need good algorithm determining whether year leap year, implement it, , use determine number of days per year, etc.
reed copsey, jr. -
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Visual Studio Languages , .NET Framework > Visual C#
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