Error when trying to Add-AzureAccount

getting error when trying initial setup of azure ps.  have done many times on different machines, , on particular machine have uninstalled , reinstalled azure ps few times no avail.  issuing add-azureaccount , expecting pop menu can type in account information-as simple can be.  keeps spitting out error message:

add-azureaccount : key not valid use in specified state.

at line:1 char:1

+ add-azureaccount

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + categoryinfo          : closeerror: (:) [add-azureaccount], aadauthenticationfailedexception

    + fullyqualifiederrorid : microsoft.windowsazure.commands.profile.addazureaccount

i found solution!
have delete profile manually (clear-azureprofile fail well).
remove-item "$env:userprofile\appdata\roaming\windows azure powershell"

Microsoft Azure  >  Azure Scripting and Command Line Tools


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