Converter to change a datagrid field whit id to description from database
(sorry english)
i´m new in silverlight, in my app fill datagrid whit data obtained table in database contains records of machines.
in database exists table kind of machines
n machines <--------------> 1 kind of machine
kind of machine table:
2. notebook
kindofmachine : 1
property 1 : x;
property n : y
in field 'kindofmachine ' need grid shows me description, instead of id.
i made converter, can´t make work in asyncronic mode
domain service converter class:
works, returns string
public partial class domainservice1 { private string result; public string gettipoequipo(int idtipoequipo) { var q = p in this.objectcontext.maestroequipos p.idtipoequipo == idtipoequipo select p; foreach (var maestroequipos in q) { result = maestroequipos.tipoequipo; } return result.tostring(); }
my xaml grid:
sdk:datagrid autogeneratecolumns="false" height="212" horizontalalignment="left" itemssource="{binding elementname=equipodomaindatasource, path=data}" margin="65,0,0,0" x:name="equipodatagrid" rowdetailsvisibilitymode="visiblewhenselected" verticalalignment="top" width="auto" grid.row="1" ><sdk:datagrid.columns> <sdk:datagridtextcolumn x:name="idtipoequipocolumn" binding="{binding idtipoequipo,converter={staticresource converter}}" header="tipo equipo" width="sizetoheader" /> <sdk:datagridtextcolumn x:name="marcacolumn" binding="{binding path=marca}" header="marca" />
the converter:
public class idequipotostringconverter : ivalueconverter { public object convert(object value, type targettype, object parameter, cultureinfo culture) { domainservice1 ds = new domainservice1(); var result = ds.gettipoequipo((int)value); result.completed += new eventhandler(result_completed); return result; } public object convertback(object value, type targettype, object parameter, cultureinfo culture) { return new notimplementedexception(); } }
datagrid filled correctly, id description not converted, in place print : system.servicemodel.domainservices.client.invokeoperation`1[system.string]
thanks in advance;
Silverlight > Getting Started with Silverlight
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