Small Basic Challenge of the Week 6, 7 and 8
welcome 'smallbasic challenge of week'. suggestion programming project users can contribute solutions/ideas , each other. there no prizes , rule use standard smallbasic methods (no extensions). post solutions/help on thread remain 'sticky' 1 week before move onto next. please give suggestions future 'challenge of week' or general feedback on type of challenges see.
week 8 (august 19th - august 25th, 2011)
text challenge
write program allows user enter sentence computer spell check. hint: use dictionary class definition of each word. if no definition exists can assumed word spelt incorrectly.
input: kwick brown fox jumps on lazey dog.
output: "kwick" , "lazey" not correct.
graphical challenge
write program draw regular polygon given number of sides. example if user enters 5 program draw regular pentagon. hint: might need brush on trigonometry skills!
week 7 (august 12th - august 18th, 2011)
text challenge 1
in week 1 challenge write program reversed word. in new challenge have write program test if given word palindrome (the same backwards forwards)
input: racecar
output: palindrome
input: chameleon
output: not palindrome
extension: modify program case, spaces , punctuation ignored.
input: madam, i'm adam
output: palindrome
text challenge 2
write program reverse each individual word in sentence leave order of words unchanged.
input: hasta la vista
output: atsah al atsiv
graphical challenge
in week 6, graphical challenge 1 asked write program display bar chart data input user. modify program display data pie chart.
week 6 (august 5th - august 11th, 2011)
text challenge 1
write program counts number of words in sentence user enters.
e.g. "we don't need no education" should display 5.
text challenge 2
write program validate email address user enters. program should respond "that valid email address" or "that not valid email address". started have read of article.
graphical challenge 1
write program allows user enter quantities (integer numbers ranging 0 100) 5 different categories (that user can name) , display bar chart of data appropriate labels on axes.
graphical challenge 2
write program allows use left , right arrow keys move spaceship clockwise or anti-clockwise around circle. ship should face toward centre of circle in classic gyrus game.
here entry: ktl205
no effort made make code smaller or neat.
just done.
hope works.
rerun start over.
Learning > Small Basic
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