Salesforce connection times out every hour

hi all,

for recent project experiencing rather annoying problem.

i have get, update or create customers in salesforce. 
use salesforce connectors this, works great after while, lets 1-2 hours connection expires , have create whole new salesforce connector.

wondering if known issue , if problem inside logicapp or have figure out salesforce why error occurs.

i have problem production logic app connections salesforce.  connector throws error randomly.  run fails, seems recover on subsequent re-run.

this not seem timeout error, possibly fault in way connector manages tokens, or timing issue in initialization of connector.

after break of approx 3 weeks without triggering actions, had 21 logic app runs fired , executed within same minute - 4 failed error, remaining succeeded.  failures ran on next scheduled run 1 hour later.

can developers of salesforce connector take look?

Microsoft Azure  >  Azure Logic Apps


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