Windows Defender Antivirus scan from C# [AccessViolation exception]
we writing code on-demand scan of file c# using windows defender apis.
[dllimport(@"c:\program files\windows defender\mpclient.dll")] public static extern int wdstatus(out bool pfenabled); [dllimport(@"c:\program files\windows defender\mpclient.dll")] public static extern int mpmanageropen(uint dwreserved, out intptr phmphandle); [dllimport(@"c:\program files\windows defender\mpclient.dll")] public static extern int mpscanstart(intptr hmphandle, uint scantype, uint dwscanoptions, intptr pscanresources, intptr pcallbackinfo, out intptr phscanhandle); [dllimport(@"c:\program files\windows defender\mpclient.dll")] public static extern int mphandleclose(intptr hmphandle); private void dodefenderscan_click(object sender, eventargs e) { try { bool pfenabled; int result = wdstatus(out pfenabled); //returns defender status - it's working properly. errorhandler.throwonfailure(result, vsconstants.s_ok); intptr phmphandle; uint dwreserved = 0; intptr phscanhandle; mpmanageropen(dwreserved, out phmphandle); //opens defender , returns handle in phmphandle. tagmpresource_info mpresourceinfo = new tagmpresource_info(); mpresourceinfo.path = ""; mpresourceinfo.scheme = "file"; mpresourceinfo.class = new mpresource_class() { value = unchecked((int)0x0000) }; tagmpresource_info[] presourcelist = new tagmpresource_info[1]; presourcelist.setvalue(mpresourceinfo, 0); tagmpscan_resources scanresource = new tagmpscan_resources(); scanresource.dwresourcecount = 1; scanresource.presourcelist = presourcelist; intptr resourcepointer = structtoptr(scanresource); result = mpscanstart(phmphandle, 3, 0, resourcepointer,, out phscanhandle); **//getting access violation exception here**. mphandleclose(phmphandle); mphandleclose(phscanhandle); marshal.freehglobal(resourcepointer); } catch (exception) { } }
and structure defined here.
[structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, pack = 1)] public struct tagmpscan_resources { public uint dwresourcecount; [marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvalarray, arraysubtype = unmanagedtype.struct, sizeconst = 1)] public tagmpresource_info[] presourcelist; } [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, pack = 1)] public struct tagmpresource_info { [marshalas(unmanagedtype.lpwstr)] public string scheme; [marshalas(unmanagedtype.lpwstr)] public string path; public intptr class; } public class mpresource_class { public uint value; } private static intptr structtoptr(object obj) { var ptr = marshal.allochglobal(marshal.sizeof(obj)); marshal.structuretoptr(obj, ptr, false); return ptr; }
code written based on documentation available at
getting exception.
attempted read or write protected memory. indication other memory corrupt.
problem? format of struct correct?
p.s - no information mpresource_class available in msdn.
i'm not sure, whether line of code correct.
mpresourceinfo.class =;
p.s - no information mpresource_class available in msdn.
values mpresource_class type can found at :
Visual Studio Languages , .NET Framework > Visual C#
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