How can i DrawString each line in another color ?
rule simple:
first line in red second line in green third line in red. have variable called m_text , it's format this:
first line in red second line time&date in green. there empty/space line third line in red fourth line in green empty/space line. , same lines. first in red second in green , each line in red , green red green red green.
variable _colors color[]
in usercontrol code top did:
color[] _colors; string[] m_text = new string[0];
public void scrollercolors(color[] colors) { _colors = colors; }
public color[] colorlines { { return this._colors; } set { this._colors = value; } }
text scroll:
public string texttoscroll { { return string.join("\n", m_text); } set { string buffer = value; m_text = buffer.split(new char[1] { '\n' }); } }
then inside onpaint event have:
private void onpaint(object sender, painteventargs e) { = smoothingmode.antialias; solidbrush(this.backcolor), this.clientrectangle); int visiblelines = 0; font drawfonts1 = new font("arial", 20, fontstyle.bold, graphicsunit.pixel); (int = m_text.length - 1; >= 0; i--) { point pt = new point((int)((this.clientsize.width -[i], m_font).width) / 2), (int)(m_scrollingoffset + this.clientsize.height - (m_text.length - i) * m_font.size)); if ((pt.y + this.font.size > 0) && (pt.y < this.height)) { visiblelines++; } if (_colors != null) {[i], drawfonts1, new solidbrush(_colors[i % _colors.length]), pt); } }
drawstring line color lines in m_text in red , green.
, how i'm using in form1:
in top of form1:
scroller1.texttoscroll = combindedstring; listcolors();
combindedstring text in m_text.
in form1 in bottom have method:
private void listcolors() { list<color> allcolors = new list<color>(); knowncolor[] colors = (knowncolor[])enum.getvalues(typeof(knowncolor)); foreach (knowncolor knowcolor in colors) { color color = color.fromknowncolor(knowcolor); allcolors.add(color); } scroller1.colorlines = new color[] {, }; }
the result after using drawstring is:
drawstring color first line in red second line in green space/empty line fourth line in in green should in red.
should this:
text line ( first line ) in red date&time line in green. empty line.... text line ( fourth line ) in red date&time line in green.
how can fix ?
*** tried t hings since of lines empty should not try color them think:
changed in onpaint event:
f (_colors != null) { if (m_text[i].length > 0) { coloring += 1; }[i], drawfonts1, new solidbrush(_colors[coloring % _colors.length]), pt); }
coloring int.
still im getting 2 lines in red 2 in green.
tried vincent solution:
if (m_text[i] == string.empty) { } else {[i], drawfonts1, new solidbrush(_colors[i % _colors.length]), pt); }
"but checked case there 6 lines 2 of them spaces/empty lines , same problem. it's not sure spaces problem."
well, checked following 9 lines , both solutions worked fine me:
m_text = new[] { "foo", "42", "", "bar", "48", "", "boo", "13", "" };
"mike maybe can , check , see on project here:"
that project appears different, matches question in other thread.
Visual Studio Languages , .NET Framework > Visual C#
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