WCF Publishing wizard and soapAction


i have published schemas using wcf publishing wizard. when use tool such soapui action dynamically set


which seems be made of target namespace of service/servicename/rootnodeofschemarequest

when @ wsdl soapaction name of operation eg getmembershipclasses. when using tool - soapsonar action being sent value wsdl file getmembershipclasses.

it important full uri http://xxx/external/membership/2014/06/membershipservices/getmembershipclassesrequest be reflected in the wsdl resolving itineraries based on the wcf action property.

how can change soapaction in wsdl use full uri? possible?. workaround using save wsdl file , update soapaction , import soapsonar. prefer able browse service eg http://xxx/external/membership/2014/06/membershipservices.svc?singlewsdl , have soapaction uri not operation name.


biztalk developer

hi jody,

just imported couple of wsdls schemas exposed wcf services the following tools test behaviour.

  • soapui
  • soapsonar (personal 6)
  • wcfstorm (just  cross verify, explored publicly available popular tool)

all of them show soapaction what's in wsdl, have same behaviour.

moreover if reliable tool capable testing wcf service read values wsdl , not differ. , if tool behaving differently in wsdl(soapsonar not), should post question in forum specific tool, not in biztalk msdn forum issue not related biztalk.

and mentioned in earlier comment "if want set filter itineraries, prefer set filter based on wsdl definition. check “soapaction”  property. other option set filter based on soap.methodname equivalent webmethod have given in wcf-publishing wizard while exposing schema service."

if answers question please mark accordingly. if post helpful, please vote helpful clicking upward arrow mark next reply.

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