Getting a System.MissingMethodException on the production machine for files that work fine on my dev desktop


i have big problem i'm not sure how resolve.  have / c# application.  recently, i've made changes several (3) dlls of "solution".  rebuilt solution under both "release" , "debug".  on machine, i've never had trouble running software.  has been tested , works expected.

now, when copy 3 dlls (and other support files) on production machine , try access specific page (the 1 affected changes , uses new methods in other dlls), page throws "system.missingmethodexception".

here's sample message / stacktrace:

system.missingmethodexception: ? @ ifinance.volumetryreport.page_load(object sender, eventargs e) @ system.web.ui.control.onload(eventargs e) @ system.web.ui.control.loadrecursive() @ --- end of inner exception stack trace --- @ e) @ @ @ context) @ system.web.callhandlerexecutionstep.system.web.httpapplication+iexecutionstep.execute() @ system.web.httpapplication.executestep(iexecutionstep step, boolean& completedsynchronously)

(note: i'm not giving sample code because think irrelevant problem.  code works fine, it's releasing code pose problem...)

i've not tested of them other pages seem work fine.

i'm not doing late bindings on page.  haven't tried replacing ".aspx" file far has not changed since last release.

it seems if production machine keeps "cached" version of old dlls , therefore, not find new methods invoked.  i've done several releases in past , never had sort of problem.

i've tried stoping iis service on production server before replacing files (thinking if files cached, should unload them) didn't change anything.

i've seen "suzanne cook's .net clr notes" article: "debugging missingmethodexception, missingfieldexception, typeloadexception" (

it seems me identify problem dll i'm not sure how correct problem afterwards.  requires install sdk on production server (which isn't there right now).

so if has encountered similar problem in past , has suggestions do, please let me know.


.NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture


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