Issues deploying web and api projects to 2 separate sites

i have 2 projects so:







i created custom deploy command so:

the mvc site deploying no problem, api site failing error message:

an unknown error has occurred. check diagnostic log details.

any ideas what's wrong?

@if "%scm_trace_level%" neq "4" @echo off  :: ---------------------- :: kudu deployment script :: version: 0.1.13 :: ----------------------  :: prerequisites :: -------------  :: verify node.js installed node 2>nul >nul if %errorlevel% neq 0 (   echo missing node.js executable, please install node.js, if installed make sure can reached current environment.   goto error )  :: setup :: -----  setlocal enabledelayedexpansion  set artifacts=%~dp0%..\artifacts  if not defined deployment_source (   set deployment_source=%~dp0%. )  if not defined deployment_target (   set deployment_target=%artifacts%\wwwroot )  if not defined next_manifest_path (   set next_manifest_path=%artifacts%\manifest    if not defined previous_manifest_path (     set previous_manifest_path=%artifacts%\manifest   ) )  if not defined kudu_sync_cmd (   :: install kudu sync   echo installing kudu sync   call npm install kudusync -g --silent   if !errorlevel! neq 0 goto error    :: locally running "kudusync" work   set kudu_sync_cmd=%appdata%\npm\kudusync.cmd ) if not defined deployment_temp (   set deployment_temp=%temp%\___deploytemp%random%   set clean_local_deployment_temp=true )  if defined clean_local_deployment_temp (   if exist "%deployment_temp%" rd /s /q "%deployment_temp%"   mkdir "%deployment_temp%" )  if not defined msbuild_path (   set msbuild_path=%windir%\\framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe )  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: deployment :: ----------  echo handling .net web application deployment.  :: 1. restore nuget packages if /i "%solution_path%" neq "" (   call :executecmd nuget restore "%deployment_source%\%solution_path%"   if !errorlevel! neq 0 goto error )  :: 2. build temporary path if /i "%in_place_deployment%" neq "1" (   call :executecmd "%msbuild_path%" "%deployment_source%\%project_path%" /nologo /verbosity:m /t:build /t:pipelinepredeploycopyallfilestoonefolder /p:_packagetempdir="%deployment_temp%";autoparameterizationwebconfigconnectionstrings=false;configuration=release /p:solutiondir="%deployment_source%\.\\" %scm_build_args% ) else (   call :executecmd "%msbuild_path%" "%deployment_source%\%project_path%" /nologo /verbosity:m /t:build /p:autoparameterizationwebconfigconnectionstrings=false;configuration=release /p:solutiondir="%deployment_source%\.\\" %scm_build_args% )  if !errorlevel! neq 0 goto error  :: 3. kudusync if /i "%in_place_deployment%" neq "1" (   call :executecmd "%kudu_sync_cmd%" -v 50 -f "%deployment_temp%" -t "%deployment_target%" -n "%next_manifest_path%" -p "%previous_manifest_path%" -i ".git;.hg;.deployment;deploy.cmd"   if !errorlevel! neq 0 goto error )  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  :: post deployment stub if defined post_deployment_action call "%post_deployment_action%" if !errorlevel! neq 0 goto error  goto end  :: execute command routine echo out when error :executecmd setlocal set _cmd_=%* call %_cmd_% if "%errorlevel%" neq "0" echo failed exitcode=%errorlevel%, command=%_cmd_% exit /b %errorlevel%  :error endlocal echo error has occurred during web site deployment. call :exitseterrorlevel call :exitfromfunction 2>nul  :exitseterrorlevel exit /b 1  :exitfromfunction ()  :end endlocal echo finished successfully.

is deployment script web app or service? also, modified default script?

note may not need custom deployment script. can set project in each web app go right place. details here.

Archived Forums E-H  >  Git, Mercurial and Dropbox Deployment to Azure


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