How to convert numeric to COBOL binary format? [S9(04) Binary]


 i creating copybook file in c# , sent mainframes.

the format type in mainframe s9(04) binary  

i have pass value between 00 99, want convert numeric value s9(04) binary  

please me above conversion

on 10/10/2011 1:51 pm, suby_nsm wrote:
> hi,
> creating copybook file in c# , sent mainframes.
> format type in mainframe s9(04) binary
> have pass value between 00 99, want convert numeric
> value s9(04) binary
> please me above conversion
so there program running on mainframe that's
accepting data. why can't program accept data string
and let mainframe program convert string cobol s9(4) binary?

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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