WCF-SQL Simple insert

i trying wcf-sql adapter first time, , doing littel poc. cannot succeed in simple scenario. think there somthing pretty basic missing.

i have created database ”sqladaptertest”, , simple table:

use [sqladaptertest]



/****** object:  table [dbo].[test]    script date: 12/01/2010 15:56:41 ******/

set ansi_nulls on



set quoted_identifier on



create table [dbo].[test](

           [id] [int] not null,

           [text] [nvarchar](255) not null,

 constraint [pk_test] primary key clustered


           [id] asc

)with (pad_index  = off, statistics_norecompute  = off, ignore_dup_key = off, allow_row_locks  = on, allow_page_locks  = on) on [primary]

) on [primary]




i created test bt project, , generated schemas inserting data in table above through “add generated items” -> “consumeadapterservice”.

in “consume adapter service” connect database sqlbinding binding. select test table , add insert operation, , press ok.

i create valid instance of auto generated schema (tableoperation.dbo.test.xsd):

<ns0:insert xmlns:ns0="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sql/2008/05/tableop/dbo/test">


    <ns1:test xmlns:ns1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sql/2008/05/types/tables/dbo">


      <ns1:text>this test</ns1:text>




then create biztalk application deploy project. created file receive location , wcf-sql send port (mssql://localhost//sqladaptertest?inboundid=1) subscribes messages.

when test scenario send port fails error below:

the adapter failed transmit message going send port "sendport1" url "mssql://brnbiz09dev-ds//sqladaptertest?inboundid=1". retransmitted after retry interval specified send port. details:"system.argumentnullexception: value cannot null.

parameter name: key

   at system.throwhelper.throwargumentnullexception(exceptionargument argument)

   at system.collections.generic.dictionary`2.insert(tkey key, tvalue value, boolean add)

   at microsoft.biztalk.adapter.wcf.runtime.wcfclient`2.createchannelfactory[tchannel](ibasemessage biztalkmessage)

   at microsoft.biztalk.adapter.wcf.runtime.wcfclient`2.initializevalues(ibasemessage message)

   at microsoft.biztalk.adapter.wcf.runtime.wcfclient`2..ctor(ibasemessage message, wcftransmitter`2 transmitter)

   at microsoft.biztalk.adapter.wcf.runtime.wcftransmitter`2.getclientfromcache(string spid, ibasemessage message)

   at microsoft.biztalk.adapter.wcf.runtime.wcfasyncbatch`2.batchworker(list`1 messages)".


any appreciated.


hi david,

for operations on table using wcf-sql adapter have written post how insert, update, delete , select. error state 1 of values null.



steef-jan wiggers
mvp & mcts biztalk server
if answers question please mark accordingly



BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server Adapters and Adapter Pack


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