Installing CS standard in place of CS MDSN Developer

we installed cs 2007 developer (msdn license) onto server. have decided make live server. we've bought standard license.

now, we're wondering if need install standard version in place of msdn developer version?

we're sure don't need licensing perspective. we've contacted microsoft via our suppliers , understand it's ok run msdn version, providing own full license (which not used elsewhere).

but, i’ve read “the developer edition, while free, limits system ~10 client connections (last post on page)

can confirm this?

how can test / prove (we don't know how connection limit might enforced)?

if must install, our options?

- can use standard edition activation key instead (if so, how) ?

- can uninstall msdn developer version , re-install standard edition?

- pitfalls , problems?

your advice appreciated,



there's post on commerce server support blog:


jeff lynch

mvp windows server system - commerce server



Commerce Server  >  Commerce Server 2007


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