Problem with the SOAP Adapter



i´m newbie in area , english not hope question not silly , can unterstand me! smile


i build biztalk server 2006 (not r2) orchestration want consume an siebel crm ondemand web service on soap-adapter. unfortunatley can´t use siebel adapter microsoft, because adapter für siebel enterprise applications.


after try send message web service, became error 5743:


the adapter failed transmit message going send port crmtransfer_1.0.0.0" url "https://<myurl>/services/integration". retransmitted after retry interval specified send port. details:"soapexception: server


now try to explain actions:


1. import wsdl-file sieble on "add web reference"

2. build orchestration , add "new configured port" -> use existing port type -> web port types -> "siebel-type"

3. deploy solution , configure soap adapter below settings:

  • typ: soap
  • send pipeline: passthrutransmit
  • receive pipeline: passthrutransmit
  • authentication type: basic account (user name + password)
  • dont use sso
  • proxy: server-adress , port company-proxy-server
  • web service: orchestration web port

4. start orchestration , put in xml file
5. after became error 5743.
my questions:
1. problem? web service not reachable?
2. have biztalk problem https-connections? company protect siebel crm ondemand using an own ssl certificate. maybe must specify certificate under adapter-configuration?
with best regards

if service's ssl configuration requires client certifacates, need specify thumbprint of x.509 certificate authenticating send port services on send port's client certificate thumprint property.


you must install client certificate current user location of user account send handler hosting send port.


i suggest setting retry count of send port 0 testing purposes. can post exact error description , stack trace of suspended service instance? did see event log errors?




BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server Adapters and Adapter Pack


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