create Basket




i'm new commerce server,


i'm working on creating basket.


in application i'm having registration , renewal process user.


at same time same user having products in basket.


now if  try create new basket registration registration added previous basket not able create new basket.


its possible create more 1 basket single user?????????

really need in this.............



sathiya priya



hi there


not sure understand situation, answer question, yes single user can have more 1 basket.

essentially, cs allows multiple basket per user allowing specify name of basket.

you notice ordercontext.getbasket(...) method has few overloads:

  • getbasket(userid)  // used default basket name
  • getbasket(userid, ordergroupid)
  • getbasket(userid, basketname)

you can retreive list of basket user using getbasketsforuser(...) method.


anyway, hope helps...




Commerce Server  >  Commerce Server 2007


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