Reason: Could not load type 'Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.MessageCore.ReceiverRoleX12Settings' from assembly

a message sent adapter "file" on send port "" uri "c:\biztalk\finance\\ports\output\opmcare.%datetime_bts2000%.edi" suspended. 
 error details: there failure executing send pipeline: "microsoft.biztalk.edi.defaultpipelines.edisend, microsoft.biztalk.edi.edipipelines, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35" source: "edi assembler" send port: "" uri: "c:\biztalk\finance\\ports\output\opmcare.%datetime_bts2000%.edi" reason: not load type 'microsoft.biztalk.edi.messagecore.receiverrolex12settings' assembly 'microsoft.biztalk.edi.messagecore, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35'.  
 messageid:  {e03d16fe-5d37-4cf3-87e8-1539b7d58a72}
 instanceid: {3c8f7687-1438-40bd-84c1-f1e24d65f5d5}

racha rams


solved issue. windows registry settings biztalk , core edi assemblies messy. 

so, copied registry settings , core edi assembly values form working vm mine.

racha rams

BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server EDI and AS2


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