Executing commend file while BTDF deployment

hi all,

have using below code run cmd file while btdf deployment process did not executing 

 <target name="customdeploytarget">
       <exec command="..\cleancopy.cmd $(environmentname)"></exec>

 <target name="customdeploytarget">
       <exec command=" cmd.exe &quot;cleancopy.cmd $(environmentname)&quot;"></exec>

$(environmentname) passing parameter

cleancopy.cmd :

copy .\direct.xml  c:\biztalk\%1\clenupscript

please guide me how resolve  error 


try this

<target name="customdeploytarget">
<exec command="copygac.bat" workingdirectory="c:\test"/>


BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server General


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