Pulling .xlsx files from Sharepoint Using ssis


         i need create package pull .xlsx files sharepoint , load server , make package automated everyday. not familiar ssis stuff. came know can done using file task , ftp, not able figure out configuration setting should used in tasks.

                        can suggest procress task?


sri harsha.


hi sri,

these sites right.

sharepoint exposes file retrieval via httpwebresponse interface only. ftp task cannot in case.

i know may not easy coding in c# without programming skills 1 day need start ssis without c# or vb not usable anyways.

luckily there community wiling free , ton of examples on web.

if try modify code http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sowmyancs/archive/2007/09/15/how-to-download-files-from-a-sharepoint-document-library-remotely-via-lists-asmx-webservice-sps-2003-moss-2007.aspx makes sense in application need achieve great.

if issues, not hesitate post on our forum.




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